Profile Viewer

This function allows you to compare an imported ICC profile with a Reference profile by showing their 3D Gamut and some numerical values. Clicking on the button Load an ICC Profile opens a window to select the profile you want to see. Once imported the name of the profile will replace the button, but it is still possible to select another profile by clicking on it.

The Reference profile list can be used to compare your profile with one of the profile in our database. It should contains most of the standard profiles used in the industry.

Importing a profile can show the following tabs:


The Gamut viewer has multiple functions:

  • Display the 3D gamut or the 2D gamut (in 2D mode all the other functions are disabled).
  • Show the gamut from the top or from the bottom thanks to the arrow.
  • The Slice slider will remove a part of the gamut, starting from to top at 100 and finishing at the bottom at 0, keeping only the primaries.
  • The 3 images of gamut allows to show the gamut (whether your profile or the reference) in 3 different ways; from left to right: - full smooth gamut, - triangles depending on the table size and full gamut, or - only the edge of the triangles.
  • The Opacity slider modify the aspect of the gamut to be able to see through it. This is useful when comparing it with a reference profile to be able to see what is inside and what is outside.

Colorimetric TVI

TVI stands for Tone Value Increase. The curves show for each percent of ink (Tone Value), what is the increase (or decrease if negative) of ink provided by the profile. The thick lines correspond to a smooth curve while the thin line is the reality of the percent measured.

Colorimetric TRC

TCR stands for Tone Reproduction Curve. It is the equivalent of the TVI but rather than showing the increase it shows the absolute values printed by the press for each percent.

G7® Gray Balance

The G7® Gray Balance curves correspond to the weighted Delta Chroma of the CMY combination of the Gray Balance patches, the a* and the b*. To check if the profile is close to neutral in the gray, check if the curves are close to 0 for each percent of ink.


The table gives the L*, a* and b* values of your profile, the reference profile and the difference in ∆E (2000), ∆C and ∆h. The primaries, substrate, black point and volume of the gamut can be used as a means of comparison. If there is enough G7® information, the weighted delta L* for CMY and K and the weighted delta Chroma* for K will be shown in a small table bellow the rest.